In an effort to expand online services and options for reserving civil motions at the San Bernardino Justice Center, Rancho Cucamonga and Victorville District, the San Bernardino Superior Court is pleased to announce parties may request motion dates for civil motions heard at the San Bernardino Justice Center, Rancho Cucamonga and Victorville by submitting their request via email to the emails below:

San Bernardino Justice Center:


Rancho Cucamonga:


These email addresses are designated to request motion dates for civil motions heard at the San Bernardino, Rancho Cucamonga and Victorville Districts.


The following information will need to be included:

  • The complete title of the motion being reserved. Ex: Motion to Compel Initial Response or Motion to Compel Further Response
  • Requested dates need to be a minimum of 3 weeks out
  • A minimum of 3 desired dates need to be provided
  • Complete case number
  • Contact information
  • The name of the party bringing the motion and their contact information
  • Motions can be reserved Monday through Thursday only


Parties who use this email box will receive a response within 72 hours of receipt of the email. Parties are required to file their civil motion and submit the filing fees within five (5) court days from the date of receipt of the confirmation email. Failure to submit motions within five (5) court days of the confirmation will result in the automatic cancellation of the reservation pursuant to Local Rule 520.


Exceptions to this are:

  • Motions for Summary Judgment/Summary Adjudication
  • Motions for Sanctions or Attorney Fees per 128.7


If you need assistance with anything other than requesting a motion date for a civil motion heard at the San Bernardino, Rancho Cucamonga or Victorville Districts, please contact the Civil Clerk’s Office public line below: